About Baden Baden - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baden-Baden is a city in western Germany, located at the foot of the Black Forest mountains. The city has about 55,000 inhabitants and is a world-renowned spa resort. The locality was founded by the Romans in the 1st century AD, initially originally Aurelia Aquensis, today, the ruins of the Roman baths are still preserved in the city (1st century - 2nd century AD).
The biggest thing that can be Baden-Baden is Badener Höhe is part of the Black Forest National Park. The old town can be found on the side of a right bank in Oos. There are 29 natural springs in the area, with temperatures between 46 and 67 degrees C. The water is rich in networks and in the flow of artesian wells at 1,800 m below Florentine Hill.
Baden Baden | Baden-Baden is a city in western Germany, located at the foot of the Black Forest mountains. The city has about 55,000 inhabitants and is a world-renowned spa resort. The locality was founded by the Romans in the 1st century AD, initially originally Aurelia
Aquensis, today, the ruins of the Roman baths are still preserved in the city
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