About Black Forest Baden Baden - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baden-Baden is a city in western Germany, located at the foot of the Black Forest mountains. The city has about 55,000 inhabitants and is a world-renowned spa resort. The town was founded by the Romans in the 1st century AD, initially being called Aurelia Aquensis.
Black Forest is a forested mountainous area of the Baden-Württemberg, in southwestern Germany. It is surrounded by the Rhine valley to the west and south. The highest peak is Feldberg with a height of 1,493 meters. The Black Forest is the highest part of the sculptures in southern Germany and a large part is densely forested, a fragment of the Herculean forest of antiquity.
Baden-Baden offers the most stylish setting for any type of cultural and health program. From a depth of 2,000 meters, it springs hot spring water and spoils the tourists in the twelve thermal springs of the city.
Black Forest Baden Baden | Baden-Baden is a city in western Germany, located at the foot of the Black Forest mountains. The city has about 55,000 inhabitants and is a world-renowned spa resort. The town was founded by the Romans in the 1st century AD, initially being called Aurelia
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