About Frankfurt - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
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Frankfurt is the 4th largest city in Germany, a magnificent metropolis famous for its ultra-modern buildings but also for numerous events that delight the public. Frankfurt can be classified as an important connection point, the busiest airport in Germany is in Frankfurt. The city is also a financial center, being the headquarters of the European Central Bank and the German Stock Exchange.
Beyond these issues, Frankfurt remains a city of contrasts. Businessmen, students, bankers, simple people coexist in a city where skyscrapers and old buildings, well maintained, are in perfect harmony. The famous German highways and railways intersect, for the approximately 650,000 people who commute daily to reach different areas of the city. Many foreigners have noticed the beauty of the city and the opportunities it offers, so they chose to live in Frankfurt to enjoy a quiet and carefree life. About 40% of the inhabitants of the metropolis are foreigners and do not even have German citizenship.
The best time to visit Frankfurt is between the beginning of spring and the end of autumn. During this time, the temperatures are pleasant and easy to bear, not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Of course, there are also hot, scorching days when mercury rises in thermometers up to 35 degrees Celsius. The winters are cold and rainy and you will certainly not be able to enjoy your entire vacation in Frankfurt. In the area, it snows very rarely, so chances are you will see snowflakes.
Historical attractions:
As mentioned earlier, Frankfurt is a city made up of both modern and historic buildings. The most important sector of historical buildings is in the Old Center, the place where there are numerous buildings dating from the 14th or 15th centuries. Even the town hall is actually an old building, but perhaps the most interesting are the Roman ruins. Many restaurants, cozy cafes and small shops can be found in the Old Town.
If you walk to the Main River you will come to the Iron Bridge, built in 1869 and renowned as a pedestrian area highly appreciated by the inhabitants and beyond. The Iron Bridge offers great views of the river, and the city skyline looks different. The famous bridge also creates a romantic setting, being the place where many young people decided that it was time to unite their destinies.
The Frankfurt dome, also known as St. Bartholomew's Cathedral, is the main place of worship in the city. The building was built in the 14th century on the site of a former church. The cathedral follows the Gothic style lines, and visitors can climb to the tower of the building, on spiral stairs leading to a height of 95 meters.
Frankfurt is a huge ensemble of museums, each branch of science and art has a dedicated place. Fans can admire a wide range of exhibits, many of them being grouped on both sides of the Main River, in a neighborhood suggestive of the Shore Museum. In general, museums in Frankfurt are closed on Mondays and holidays, so you should check before heading to them. The Museum of Arts, the Museum of Icons, the Museum of Architecture are just a few of them, and the time would not be enough to visit them all. One of the most interesting remains the Museum of Money opened at the initiative of the German Central Bank. Here you can admire old money or new banknotes, all kept in the best conditions.
Skyscraper buildings:
Frankfurt has some of the tallest buildings in Europe and Germany. Its horizon is unique, especially for a country made up of those specifically German buildings. Skyscrapers are the reason why Frankfurt is often similar to the famous Manhattan. If you want to see the neighborhood of new buildings in all its splendor it is good to look at the main bridges on the river. The bridges offer the best panorama and after admiring the skyscrapers of the clouds, you can opt for a boat ride on the river.
The Main Tower is a special building, being the only high-rise building open to the general public. You can take the elevator to the viewing platform, 200 meters high. This wonderful experience only costs 6 euros and from here you will get an amazing view of the whole city, but also of the surroundings. It is good to climb the platform of the Main Tower on a sunny day, without rain or fog. In autumn or spring, visitors choose to climb 200 meters shortly before sunset, at this time you can witness the moment when the city goes from day to night life.
The European Central Bank is easy to recognize, being a landmark in the city center. Its unique shape and bright hue have attracted the admiration of the world's great architects. The European Central Bank is the place where the most important decisions are made, it is a sober space that unfortunately was not and is not open to the general public.
Throughout the year, there are numerous events in Frankfurt that end with spectacular fireworks. Frankfurt is a young, lively city where people love to spend late at night. As expected, city parties would not be the same without the best quality German beer. You will have to adapt and have fun in the style of the inhabitants, but you will leave home with unforgettable memories.
Thus, Frankfurt is a beautiful city and no extended vacation would be enough to admire the beauty of the metropolis. Annually, over 3 million foreign tourists visit Frankfurt.
Frankfurt | Frankfurt is the 4th largest city in Germany, a magnificent metropolis famous for its ultra-modern buildings but also for numerous events that delight the public.
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