About Thurmansbang - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Thurmansbang is located approximately 30 km north of Passau, 18 km southwest of Grafenau, 22 km northeast of Vilshofen on the Danube and 15 km from Federal Highway 3.
Dormannesbanc first appeared documented in 1180, when Heinrich de Dormannesbanc appeared at the Aldersbach monastery as a witness. In 1252, Bailiwick passed from Ortenburgers to Wittelsbacher. Turinspach is mentioned in the Lower Bavaria City from the beginning of the 14th century. It was the seat of a ducal judge. 1386, an Andre Amtmann is named Turmanspankch in a legal document of the wine grower. In the middle of the 19th century the spelling of Thurmansbank village was written. The St. Mark's Baroque parish church from 1763 was extended in 1904. The tower dates from the Middle Ages, it was erected in 1910 by one floor. In the high altar there is a figure of St. Joachim. Graves are preserved in the church and on the cemetery wall.
Thurmansbang | Thurmansbang is a municipality in the Lower Bavarian district of Freyung-Grafenau, the seat of the administrative community Thurmansbang and a nationally recognized health resort.
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